First, make sure the course is certified: even though most of our courses are, some are not. In this case, the information is provided the course summary bar at the top of the course page.
If you are a Free member, you will have to change status: the issue of certificates is a feature for Premium Solo subscribers and Premium Plus subscribers.
If you are Premium, check:
- You have successfully completed all the exercises of the course.
- The course is at 100% progress in the column "Progress" of your dashboard:
- On your dashboard, under the certificates column "Certificate Symbol" is green. When the box is green, click on "Download your certificate" and complete the form to create your certificate of achievement!
4. If the "certificate symbol" is grey, it means that an exercise has not been validated.
5. If you have followed all these instructions but cannot access your certificate, there may be a technical issue. Contact us in this case via the form "Send a request" below with the link of the course and the Customer Support Team will review the request.