On occasion, OpenClassrooms offers discount codes as part of a promotion or special event. However, when you came to sign up -- or to resume your studies -- you found out that the promo code doesn’t work. There are a few reasons why that may have happened:
- The Promo Code had a date-related restriction, and that date has passed. All promo codes have an expiration date. This date may be a long time in the future, or it may expire by the end of this month. Regardless, if you try to use a promo code after it has expired, it will not work.
- The Promo Code was a single-use code, and it has already been used. All promo codes have a single-use restriction, so if it was used on your account already, or if more than one person tried to use it and share it, the promo code will not work any longer.
- There was an error in the Promo Code generation. As a student at OpenClassrooms, you are likely familiar with the minor errors in code that can upset an outcome. On occasion, the same thing happens with promo codes. If you receive an error relating to the specific type of Path, please let us know so we can correct the problem!
- You found the Promo Code on the internet. Some excellent online services collect Promo codes for companies touching all industries. That’s great! However, since our promo codes are single-use only and date-restricted, these websites do not contain codes that anyone can find and apply to an OpenClassrooms account.
If you received your promo code from an employer or directly from OpenClassrooms, feel free to submit a request to provide us with the details.